IT can be a real minefield for companies. It’s not just installing and setting up computers. There are many aspects to helping a business to keep its architecture safe, efficient and user-friendly.
A few decades ago, most IT was focused on supporting workstations – the logistics needed to fully support desktop computers with monitors and other peripherals, and then to network them together with cables.
Today’s tech world is not like that. You have the cloud and software as a service. You have virtualization environments and digital containers. Now you have artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms.
It’s enough to have many executives wanting to tear their hair out. Here are three ways that Advanced Computer Consulting assists companies to make sure they’re ahead of the curve on IT.
The Importance of Managed Services
Part of what Advanced Computer Consulting does involves handling an array of managed IT services for clients. We help answer questions like these:
Are your systems protected from viruses?
Are your cloud services backed up?
How is your hardware doing in terms of operational performance?
Advanced Computer Consulting helps companies to answer all of these questions and more. We provide a host of remote monitoring services aimed at promoting safe and secure computing on your business network. We keep your network running closer to a “desired state” and that affects not only performance, but cybersecurity and more.
From backups to hosting to multi-cloud deployment, Advanced Computer Consulting provides managed IT services that work for busy companies. We take a customized approach to managed services, because we know that your business needs are unique – and we know that the extra time and attention to detail will help you to build the system that supports your operations for the long-term.
Ahh! Help Me Fix It!
Our tech support is always there for customers who have problems that are emerging in the moment, where time is of the essence.
One of the biggest challenges in any business system is network and application uptime.
Uptime is the amount of time in which you can use the system to sell products or book reservations or interact with customers, or whatever you’re trying to do from a business standpoint. Downtime is time where you can’t do those things, and if you’ve ever seen a supermarket trying to work without access to banking computers – you know how dramatically difficult that can be. Unplanned downtime is a business killer that disrupts performance and costs money every minute that it threatens business systems.
We are here to help make sure that your business has the support that you need to triumph over unplanned downtime, to keep systems solvent when they need to be working for you.
Dealing with E-waste
In the tech world, there’s the idea of a software and hardware life cycle – that when you aren’t using things anymore, you need to find something to do with them. In the software world, that means decommissioning systems in order to prevent sprawl and excess complexity.
In the hardware world, it means getting rid of those old obsolete monitors, towers, peripherals, speakers, printers and more.
E-waste is quickly becoming a major problem – what do you do with obsolete workstations and gear?
Advanced Computer Consulting can help your business to de-clutter and get its obsolete hardware out the door.
Read on at the web site to find out more. We’re ready to go to work for you!
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